Monday, April 4, 2011
Courage is a very important word but not easily understood or practiced. Courage is the most powerful trait we can bring to any situation but it is one of the most difficult actions to practice. So what does this powerful word that holds so much weight actually mean? According to, the definition of courage is: the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc., without fear; bravery. Now what does this mean... For me, I think courage means to be in your own truth! It is the process of being able to listen to your spirit, feel strongly for what it is asking for, and acting upon that. However, the practice of courage is much more difficult because it challenges a person to face the adversity of their fears. It takes the same amount of energy to build the courage to succeed as it takes to accept the terms of failure. However, I truly believe if a person is in their own truth, does not hold back on themselves, then the outcome of any situation cannot lead you wrong.
Have a Blessed day and Be Courageous in All you do!..Ish
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