Friday, April 8, 2011

Happy Friday, Lets Have Some Fun!

      I think one of the keys to being happy in life is being able to keep life in balance. Being a Libra, I have struggled with balance in my past but as I've grown older I have learned that there is no such thing as a balanced equilibrium and the key for me is to not strategically  place but manage balance to the best of my ability. With so many possibilities and opportunities it is important to enjoy, explore, and play in this playground of life! Many people limit themselves by worrying, over analyzing, and being afraid of taking risks; however, without exploration, risks, and change, we cannot live in our full potentials. I think that if we can get out of our heads and into our hearts then there is a lot more character added to the magnificent people that we already are. Life is too precious to be taken too seriously and since we only have one life to live, I think it is in our best interest to live it to the fullest. A part of being alive is actually living life!

Have a Safe, Blessed, and Fun Weekend!

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