Personal Reflection:
I wanted to take a moment today and reflect back on this AMAZING month that I have been so blessed to receive. The month of March 2011 for me has been filled with new beginnings, reunions, and the expansion of my life. My life has consisted of so much variety, togetherness, and possibility. Through the experiences of this month, I have seen the personal growth, courage, and the strength within myself and my character. One of the greatest things that I have created is, "Insights By Ish" which has opened up my world and me. I have also been able to feel the experience of love and connection again which has filled my heart. Lastly, I am so thankful and blessed to be surrounded by the best, most supportive, and loving family and friends. For me, I could not let this month go by and transition into the next part of my journey without acknowledging and appreciating all my great blessings that I am so grateful to have received! In this moment, I just want to say thank you to God, Universe, Time, myself and all my readers for making all this possible!
As my world continues to grow, so do I!....Ish