Monday, July 25, 2011

Variety of Facial Masks

     Using a mask is essential to include in your skin care routine. A mask should be used at least once a week and the type of mask to use is chosen depending on what your current skin situation is and what it may need. Our skin is forever changing and needs different nutrients at different times. Benefits of using a mask are tighter, brighter, and visibly healthier skin. Here are the types of masks that you can apply on your face:

* Moisturizing Facial Masks:
Nourishes, hydrates, and restores the skin, when the skin is properly hydrated then it has a more fresh and radiant look to it

*Mud and Clay Facial Masks:
Absorbs oil in the skin and tightens the skin for a more firmer look

*Exfoliating Facial Masks:
Rejuvenates and brightens the skin by removing dead cells that can make the skin look dull

*Peel-Off Facial Masks:
Refreshes the skin by clearing clogged pores

*Gel Facial Masks:
Cooling and soothing affect on the skin but with a more gentle hydration

Enjoy Your Mask!..:)

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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Nutrition, Nutrition, Nutrition

       I just recently started taking classes to learn more about herbs and holistic skin care. It has been super interesting and I have enjoyed learning tremendously. One of the amazing things about our body is the physiology that takes places within us and actually understanding how the body works. There are many components that are interconnected within the body to make it function correctly; however, it is so important to nourish the body with the supplements that it needs to function correctly. Everything begins from our inner health and reflects on the outside. One of the best ways to have vibrant skin ,a fit body, and confidence is through your personal nutrition and exercise. I think it is really important to go back to the basic four food groups and make sure that you are eating a well balanced meal. It is not about how much, how little, or how frequent you eat, but actually feeding your body balanced meals filled with nutrients that it needs. Check out the basic four food groups and start eating better today:

*Protein- meat and fish

*Carbohydrate- bread, pasta, rice

*Fiber- fruits and vegetables

*Dairy - milk and cheese

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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What is your Foundation?

           Our foundation is a center piece for our human platform. It is a solid and sturdy base that contributes to all areas in life. A foundation is built upon a factor that is important to a person and almost a rule of thumb which they choose to live by. Our foundation reflects in all areas of our life such as self development, family, social, work, and love. Your foundation can always be strengthened and improved, but it is something that should be acknowledge and cared for because it is a very valuable piece that affects all areas in life. For example, the root of a tree (the trunk) has to be extremely strong for other branches to grow on. Life is full of a series of ever-changing fluctuating events but it is easier to handle, understand, and accept them when there is a solid foundation to revert too. Here is a great exercise that I came across that helps set a foundation (fill in the blanks with words that best describe you (your trait in that role) and remember your foundation is the center piece that is used in all areas) The purpose of this exercise is to acknowledge your foundation and observe how it's been contributing to areas in your life.

Your Personal Guide:

Self Development__________                 Family_____________


Work_________   Social____________     Relationship_________

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