Monday, March 7, 2011

Jump start your week!

Good Morning Everyone,

    Yes it is Monday but that doesn't mean that it is a bad thing. This actually allows us to start the week off fresh and let go of everything that previously took place. So lets regroup and refuel ourselves because we have a new blessed day and week to look forward too. I would like to suggest a mini exercise for everyone that is very beneficial. If there is something that you have been procrastinating on or a personal project that needs attention then this is the time to make it happen.  I suggest that you focus on one thing and make it the goal of the week. Write the goal and what you would like to achieve in an area where you can see it everyday and then work towards it. Stay consistent and persistent in accomplishing your goal and give it attention everyday. When you accomplish your goal  reward yourself with something because you totally deserve it! Just a tip: incase you slip a little bit... pick yourself up, get back on track and remember you have until Sunday to accomplish!

Have a great day and make it count!