In life, when we have a emotional reaction to something it is usually a result of a unresolved matter triggering from our past. Our emotions are sensitive feelings that react when something feels out of balance or uncomfortable. Its funny because there is no simple way to control or foresee our emotions because we usually become aware of our actions after our reactions; however, there is a way to feel complete within yourself. I believe if a person is able to "step out the box" and objectively become present to what is occurring then they give themselves the power to take control of the situation and emotion. To be able to listen to what part of "you" is reacting and asking for attention is when you can begin to understand and complete what is missing. You are in charge of yourself! I believe that we learn from every situation that life brings us and it is important for us to complete life's experiences to the best of our ability and not have lingering pieces because all it builds up too is a leftover residue of emotions resulting from the past. Completion allows us to be free, clear, and evolve to the next level! I enclose this article with: wishing everyone a great day, stay attentive to your needs, and let love flow freely through you.
Be open to love!....Ish
Insight #7