Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Taking Care of You...

         We are our biggest assets and sometimes it easy to neglect our needs because we spend so much of our time accommodating and catering to other aspects of our life. Such as work, school, family, relationships, community, and friends. Although all these components are a part of life and are a blessing to have, it is important to check in with yourself and make sure that your needs and wants are being fulfilled. It is healthy to stay connected with yourself, honor yourself, and really be a part of your full being. When you feel sturdy from within then nothing in this world seems impossible to achieve! So how do we get to the deeper part of the self?  I came up with a method that I think will be very valuable to each individual. The concept is to "create a personal tool box" (not literally unless you want too) with items that YOU love, bring you comfort, and are soothing to you. By recognizing your tools, they will be available to help you when you need to cope with something or just be in a personal space. There are always going to be challenges and tests in life but how we handle the situation is what will get us through it. It is your tool box and there is no limit to what it can have! The point of this exercise is to recognize YOUR valuable tools and have them accessible to use whenever you need too. The more you know about yourself the less complicated life's challenges will be because you will have a variety of different tools to choose from that you created especially for you!

Example: Some items in my Tool Box:


Exercise #2 / Create Your Personal Tool Box:

Write down a list of things that are comforting, positive, and bring ease to you. Think about what brings you peace, happiness, motivation, clarity, etc... Once you begin this exercise, then you already have a designed special tool box for you! :) 

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