Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Skin Toner: Needed or Not?


       There is actually quite a debate between dermatologists and estheticians when it comes to skin toner. Some say it is absolutely necessary and the others say it is optional. After doing some research, I say that anything that contributes to more radiance for your skin should be included in your skin care routine. Toner is like an assistant to your cleanser, anything the the cleanser misses out on the toner will take care of. The purpose of a toner is to remove any leftover makeup, clean cleanser residue, close pores, and to prevent any infection or absorption of bacteria from entering the skin. The benefits of using a good toner is that it will improve the look of your skin by tightening the pores, the cleansiness makes the skin look more rejuvenated with a glow, restores the natural PH balance for the skin, and with regular use it can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. So there you have it, the functions of a toner; it is your preference whether you use it or not but personally I love the way my toner does a deep clean for my skin and maintains its PH balance. The only thing that I would recommend is using a alcohol free toner that does not dry out the skin and stay as natural based as you can!

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