To stay on a positive frequency it is best for one to create an environment filled with positive people that genuinely contribute, enhance, and empower the quality of your life. If it is true that " likes attract likes" then what you put out in the world is what you will receive in your world. It is important to love, respect, and appreciate yourself and others. We are all a part of this circle of life and need one another for love, support,
and compassion. By appreciating all the valuable blessings in your life, you create a "vibration of gratitude" which in return puts you on a positive frequency and raises the frequency of new blessings to enter your life. To be on a positive frequency is like having a chain reaction for multiple positive things being continuously brought into your life. Once your light begins to shine then it will only shine brighter and brighter! When you set yourself to be on a positive path then you continue to explore new growth and meet growing individuals along the way. Life is a journey filled with many connections and in this journey of life you have the power to change your frequency at any time and create the best version of yourself.
# Positive Vibrations