Wednesday, February 28, 2018
February has been an interesting month for me. In slowing down and taking some time to rest and reset, I feel stronger to pursue new opportunities. We often think about success as a process of constantly working and compacting as many things as we can in a day to try to be as productive as possible. At times this method is necessary but I also think that slowing down is important. Life is all about balance. In one of Dr. Wayne Dyer's seminars he said, "that there is a time in life to be fast, slow, ahead, and behind." This has resonated with me. I'm very grateful that I had a chance to slow down and replenish myself from the long accomplished journey that I have been on. The greatest strength is the one that is inside each of us. I believe that deep within us we really do know what is next, and if we silence ourselves enough then the infinite will guide us to our next calling. In my midst of silence, I felt the excitement of taking a leap of faith. I have an upcoming Oscars event in Los Angeles and I've decide to take the journey individually. I love to have company when I travel but sometimes life requires you to rely only on YOU. I knew that this would be a challenge for me since it is far from my comfort, but deep within me, I also know that it is time. I am READY! I figured, I could sit at the shore and justify why I didn't go on the boat or get on the boat and set sail. Guess what? I'm getting on the boat! By taking the leap of faith as my first step, I cannot explain how generous the universe has been to me for aligning all the right people and places to support my upcoming journey. I'm very grateful and excited! My point to this blog entry is the importance of listening to yourself and trusting the process. You really don't need all the answers, sometimes you just need to be present enough to take the first step. Thank you to all my readers and I hope something magically happens for each of you.
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