Happy New Year Everyone! There comes a time in life when you just have to step it up! You've past the dreaming stage, planning stage, preparing stage and NOW its time to leap. Well, that is exactly how my year is beginning. I'm giving myself a chance to live in a location (Los Angeles) that I've wanted to for a very long time. When a opportunity presented itself, I said YES and facilitated my way out here. I figured that the timing was right for me and it is my time now. I'm so grateful and excited for this journey. Life is about living and experiencing and that is exactly what I'm doing. I'm investing in my dreams and making dreams into reality. I think its important to take chances with ourselves. We'll never know how far we've come or how much we've grown until we give ourselves the chance to "swim" in a different pool. Remember that there is a gestation period to everything and its okay if it doesn't happen right away, the important thing is to remember that everything needs to grow and we need to grow for it also. When it is ready and knows that your ready, it will all align and the stage will be set. Trust in yourself! #2019
Bag It!